3rd Year Pediatrics Clerkship

Course Number
PED 303-BA
Course Title 3rd Year Pediatrics Clerkship
Course Director
Chinwe Mahaley, MD
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

Per cohort



Availability Notes

This is a required clerkship for 3rd year students. See syllabus for additional details.

Contact Name
Amber Williams
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Mahaley (cmahaley [at] lifebridgehealth.org (cmahaley[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore


Honors/High Pass/Pass/Conditional/Fail. See syllabus for additional details.


The purpose of the Pediatric Clerkship is to provide the 3rd year medical student with inpatient and outpatient pediatric clinical experiences where students will acquire a working knowledge of normal and abnormal growth and development. Students will also be able to recognize, understand the pathophysiology of, diagnose, and treat the common disorders of infancy, childhood, and adolescence. They should also develop an understanding of children’s and families’ perspectives of being cared for within our healthcare system through observation, inquiry, and reflection. The 3rd year pediatric clerkship consists of an inpatient, outpatient, and nursery rotation, and a core pediatric conference series.

See syllabus for additional details. 

Additional Notes

Clerkship Learning Objectives:

At the end of this clerkship, the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate clinical skills typical to the care of newborns, children, and adolescents
  2. Illustrate ways in which pathophysiologic processes can affect the growth & development in children
  3. Demonstrate the ability to develop a clinical assessment and plan in a problem-oriented fashion.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to differentiate well children from mildly or severely ill based on their signs and symptoms at various ages.
  5. Demonstrate humanistic attitudes and professional and ethical behaviors related to the pediatric patient, their family, and other healthcare professionals.
  6. Practice preventive pediatrics through age-appropriate screening and anticipatory guidance about nutrition, environmental influences, safety, immunizations, and anticipatory guidance in improving child health.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to present a pediatric patient in an oral and written format.
  8. Demonstrate effective communications with patients and their families.
  9. Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning through inquiry and reflective practice.

See syllabus for additional details.