Acting Internship in Medicine

Course Number
MED 332-BA
Course Title Acting Internship in Medicine
Course Director
Ravitej Khunkhun, MD
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year


All core clerkships

Availability Notes

Students are required to complete one core acting internship during their fourth year. This course fulfills the core acting internship graduation requirement. Registration Requests: Students must contact the course director AND coordinator about any add/drop registration requests. Due to specific onboarding requirements, requests to add this course must be made at least three months in advance. Requests to add/drop the course within 30 days of the course start date must be approved by both the clerkship director AND coordinator via email.

Contact Name
Amber Williams
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Khunkhun (rkhunkhu [at] (rkhunkhu[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore


Course coordinator will contact registered students.


Uniform Clinical Evaluation


The purpose of the Acting Internship in Medicine at Sinai hospital is to provide a structured clinical experience in the expansive field of internal medicine and sub-specialty areas necessary for the care of the hospitalized patient. It is designed to be a well-supervised educational experience that augments the cognitive and technical clinical skills attained during the third year medicine clerkship. The student will function as an acting intern (sub-intern) and will conduct patient evaluations, engage in supervised order-entry and prescription writing, retrieve evidence to advance patient care, perform patient handovers, and collaborate as an integral member of an inter-professional team. In addition to self-directed learning, regular focused student didactics, intern conferences and bedside teaching during ward rounds are organized to provide a well-rounded educational experience.

Please note the following:

  1. Students who have specific interests in oncology or pulmonary medicine can request placement on these specialty teams at least 21 days before the start date by contacting the clerkship director AND coordinator via email with specific reasons for placement. Based on availability, placements will be made, but these are not guaranteed.
  2. Vacation requests for up to three dates may be requested at least 21 days before the start date by contacting the clerkship director AND coordinator via email with specific reasons for the request. These will be considered, but are not guaranteed. Vacation dates that fall on the on-call and post-call days on the medicine team will not be granted. Any days beyond two working dates that are missed will need to be made up by working extra on non-weekend days.
  3. Requests to add/drop the course within 30 days of the course start date must be approved by both the clerkship director AND coordinator via email.

See syllabus for additional details.

Additional Notes

Students are required to complete one core acting internship during their fourth year. This course fulfills the core acting internship graduation requirement.