Anesthesia Sub Internship

Course Number
Course Title Anesthesia Sub Internship
Course Director
Jonah Abraham, MD
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year


All core clerkships

Availability Notes

Students may take either ANES 302 or ANES 380 to fulfill anesthesia requirement. If a student enrolls in ANES 380, that student is not required to fulfill ANES 302.

Contact Name
Shenel Nurse
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Abraham (jabraham2 [at] (jabraham2[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore


Honors/High Pass/Pass/Conditional/Fail. See syllabus for additional details.


This course is an advanced elective in anesthesiology. After an introductory period, students will be expected to perform preoperative evaluations, define a plan of care, and implement the plan. All aspects of patient care will be immediately supervised by members of the Department of Anesthesiology. Weekly seminars will supplement the clinical experience.

See syllabus for additional details. Students may take either ANES 302 or ANES 380 to fulfill anesthesia requirement. It is recommended that if a student enrolls in ANES 380, that student need NOT take ANES 302 as well.

See syllabus for additional details.

Additional Notes

Clerkship Learning Objectives:

At the end of this clerkship, the student should be able to:

  1. Perform preanesthetic assessments of preoperative risk for a variety of patients and surgical procedures.
  2. Apply indications, contraindications, and drug choices for preoperative medication, including anxiolytics, analgesics, and gastrointestinal agents.
  3. Interpret anesthetic plans, including selection of technique, appropriate monitoring, and anesthetic agents. 
  4. Demonstrate risks, benefits, and alternatives to common airway management techniques.
  5. Perform mask ventilation, LMA placement, and intubation.
  6. Apply treatment for common intraoperative aberrations of normal physiology. 
  7. Interpret patient and procedure selection criteria for ambulatory anesthesia.
  8. Practice multiple modalities for postoperative pain management.

See syllabus for additional details.