Orthopaedic Sub-Internship

Course Number
Course Title Orthopaedic Sub-Internship
Course Director
John Ingari
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year


All core clerkships

Availability Notes
Contact Name
Ashley Adolph
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. John Ingari (jingari [at] lifebridgehealth.org (jingari[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))

Deaysa Dixon (d.dixon1 [at] gwu.edu (d[dot]dixon1[at]gwu[dot]edu))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore


Uniform Clinical Evaluation, participation


Musculoskeletal conditions account for a majority of conditions seen in everyday medical practice. This elective is designed for the fourth year medical student who is interested in an introduction to orthopaedic surgery, and is considering the field as a career choice. The student will spend time with two selected orthopaedic preceptors in clinic and surgery, obtaining a comprehensive approach to the physicians’ approach to orthopaedic conditions, surgical interventions, and observation of postoperative patients. Increasing responsibility will be offered to the student, based on their individual abilities and participation. Students will be part of the discussion of treatment options with patients, and will observe the process of decision making and informed consent required prior to surgery. Students will take call 5-8 times during the course of their four week block, and will be expected to attend all education meetings of the department during their period on the service. Students will be required to develop a brief presentation towards the end of their rotation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the presentation of common musculoskeletal conditions.
  2. Perform the basic examination of the extremities and spine for musculoskeletal conditions.
  3. Identify common treatment protocols and surgical approaches for musculoskeletal conditions.
Additional Notes

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to explain the presentation of orthopaedic injuries/musculoskeletal diseases and the differential diagnosis of the presentation.
  2. Perform the evaluation and work-up of orthopaedic problems as primary and consultant services.
  3. Illustrate the indications for operative management and participate in operative procedures.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to describe the non-operative and operative management of orthopaedic injuries/conditions.
  5. Practice the initial management of orthopaedic injuries including casting/splinting.
  6. Perform basic surgical skills.
  7. Practice the role of an intern on the orthopaedic team.
  8. Apply the medical literature to clinical practice.