Orthopaedic Surgery Clinical Elective for 3rd Year Medical Students

Course Number
Course Title Orthopaedic Surgery Clinical Elective for 3rd Year Medical Students
Course Director
John Ingari
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

Course Director Permission


None; see notes


Availability Notes

Course Director Permission

Contact Name
Ashley Adolph
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Ingari (jingari [at] lifebridgehealth.org (jingari[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))

Deaysa Dixon (d.dixon1 [at] gwu.edu (d[dot]dixon1[at]gwu[dot]edu))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore 

Grading: Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail. Performance feedback will be provided halfway through the rotation via the Medical Student Mid-Term Evaluation Form.
  • Uniform Clinical Evaluation - 100%
  • Operative Procedure Structured Evaluation - must obtain Pass grade or greater
  • Case Presentation - must obtain Pass grade or greater

Target Students: Third year medical students interested in gaining knowledge and skills in the field of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Course Description: Students will rotate on the Orthopaedic Surgery service for two- or four-week elective experiences. During this time, they will participate in all facets of patient care including the in-patient wards, operating room, and out-patient clinics. Students will be expected to round with the team, participate in consult evaluations for in-patients, scrub in on operative cases, and examine and present patients in the out-patient clinic. Night call will be 2 nights during 2-week rotations and 4 nights during 4-week rotations.

The Orthopedic Surgery service is divided among the sub-specialties of: trauma, spine, hand, foot and ankle, arthroplasty and sports medicine. Students will be assigned to two-week blocks on these various sub-specialties. Students will give a 15-minute presentation on a topic relevant the sub-specialty they are assigned to at the end of the rotation.

Course Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Perform a comprehensive musculoskeletal history.
  2. Perform a musculoskeletal examination.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to develop differential diagnosis for non-urgent and emergency conditions.
  4. Explain the surgical anatomy.
  5. Perform introductory surgical skills.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to present a case in an oral and written format.
  7. Demonstrate effective communication with patients and families.
Additional Notes

Pre-requisites: Students need not have completed any clinical courses but must complete the following pre-requisites:  

  • Complete OR orientation and scrubbing modules during Foundations of Clinical Practice (FCP) or via Blackboard if not taken during FCP
  • Review the “Examination of the Orthopaedic Patient” video (available on Blackboard)
  • Review the “Reading X-rays Presentation” prior to starting the rotation (available on Blackboard)
  • Review the “Resident Developed Guide for Orthopaedic Students” prior to starting the rotation (available on Blackboard)