Sports Medicine

Course Number
Course Title Sports Medicine
Course Director
Erica Gaertner
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year



Availability Notes
Contact Name
Deaysa Dixon
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr.Erica Gaertner (egaertner [at] (egaertner[at]lifebridgehealth[dot]org))


Sinai Hospital of Baltimore

One student per 2 week time slot

See locations and weekly schedule under Additional Notes below.


Uniform Clinical Evaluation, Case Presentation. See details below.


Purpose and Rationale for the Course: Sports Medicine is an integrative sub-specialty that combines Orthopaedics, Primary Care, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The Sports Medicine elective introduces medical students to the different specialties within the field and teaches them management of sports injuries. The students will work side by side with sports medicine specialists and team physicians in the out-patient clinic, operating room, concussion clinic, and on the field to understand the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions ranging from acute trauma to chronic overuse injuries. Students will become familiar with pre-participation screening, concussion assessment, and the management of injuries in competitive and recreational athletes.
Target Students: Third and fourth year medical students who have an interest in sports medicine.

Course Description: The purpose of the course is to expose medical students to the practice of sports medicine in multiple specialties. Students will work with orthopaedic, PM&R and neuropsychiatry faculty in the clinical setting to gain exposure to the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries and concussions. They will observe surgical management of injuries with orthopaedic faculty, and see operative patients for follow up after treatment to understand the recovery and rehabilitation associated with these injuries. Students will participate in seasonal sports coverage to develop an understanding of the role of a team physician. They will become familiar with the types of healthcare professionals who take care of athletes including different physician specialties, physical therapists and athletic trainers. Students will function as an active member of the sports medicine team in the described settings. They will choose a sports medicine topic of interest based on a clinical patient encounter and give a 10-minute presentation about the case, a review of the topic, and describe a timeline for return to sport based on appropriate rehabilitation guidelines.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, students should know or be able to:

  1. Discuss the components of the pre-participation history and physical examination.
  2. Perform a concussion screening.
  3. Describe common musculoskeletal conditions that affect the competitive athlete. 
  4. Interpret patient follow-up evaluation for return to play following injury or illness.
  5. Analyze the role that Sports Medicine physicians play in the functioning of the athletic community with other healthcare professionals.


Grading: Honors/High Pass/Pass/Conditional/Fail. Performance feedback will be provided halfway through the rotation via the Medical Student Mid-Term Evaluation Form.
  • Clinical Evaluation - 100%
  • Case Presentation - must obtain Pass grade or greater on case presentation
Additional Notes

Students can be new to the clinical curricular phase, but students must complete the following three pre-requisites:  

  1. Complete OR orientation and scrubbing modules during Foundations of Clinical Practice (FCP) or via Blackboard if not taken during FCP.
  2. Review the “Examination of the Orthopaedic Patient” video.
  3. Review the “Reading X-rays Presentation” prior to starting the rotation.